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Amdanom ni

Mae allgymorth wedi bod yn darparu ystod o wasanaethau yn llwyddiannus sy'n cefnogi oedolion ag anabledd dysgu a / neu anghenion iechyd meddwl tymor hir, i fyw bywyd annibynnol. Ein nod yw darparu cefnogaeth sy'n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn i bobl sy'n byw naill ai yn eu cartrefi eu hunain neu yn ein gwasanaethau preswyl.


Ffurfiwyd allgymorth ym 1978 ar ôl i grŵp o rieni o'r gymuned Iddewig ac a oedd â phlant ag anabledd dysgu, eisiau bywyd a chefnogaeth fwy annibynnol i'w plant.


Goramser ac wrth i Allgymorth dyfu; rydym nawr yn croesawu, yn darparu ar gyfer, yn cefnogi ac yn dathlu pobl o bob rhan o'r gymuned ehangach, ac o bob crefydd, ffydd, cred a rhai o ddim.


Rydym wedi datblygu ystod o wasanaethau gan gynnwys cefnogaeth ddwys i bobl ag ymddygiadau heriol, diagnosis deuol, gwasanaethau awtistiaeth benodol, gwasanaethau i bobl ag anghenion corfforol a synhwyraidd ychwanegol, a gwasanaeth byw â chymorth i bobl sy'n fwy annibynnol.


Rydym yn gweithio'n agos gyda theuluoedd, gofalwyr a rhanddeiliaid eraill i ddarparu gwasanaethau cydgysylltiedig i unigolion.

Mae lefel uchel o gyfranogiad gweithredol defnyddwyr gwasanaeth gyda fforymau a gweithgareddau rheolaidd ar gyfer defnyddwyr gwasanaeth ag anableddau dysgu.


Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn cefnogi nifer o bobl sy'n byw yn ardaloedd Prestwich a Whitefield, hefyd Bury, Salford a Manceinion.


Cyfarfod â'r Tîm teulu Allgymorth


Peter Elton

Chair of the board of Trustees



I became involved in Outreach as my cousin, Elaine, became a service user.  Unfortunately, she died a few years ago but I have been pleased to continue my involvement at Outreach

My health service work has involved developing policies for people with learning disability and mental illness.  I hope that combining this with my personal experience has been valuable to Outreach.


I am clinical director of the Greater Manchester and Eastern Cheshire Strategic Clinical Network which brings clinician together to improve policies and pathways for clinical work.  Previously I was in public health.


I have been a member of JCVI (Joint Committee for vaccination and Immunisation) from 2013-9 which has given me insights into decisions on COVID.  I led the North-west Offender Health Team from around the turn of the century for over ten years of which a major part was improving mental health services for offenders inside and outside prisons. Other interests have been tackling smoking, drug use and research.


As director of public health in Bury I was involved in piloting flu vaccination in children which was later rolled out to the rest of the country; as the public health advisor to the stroke network, I was involved in setting up the redesign which enabled more patients to receive treatment to dissolve clots that were causing their strokes; as a Greater Manchester public health lead, I helped set up the Greater Manchester aortic aneurysm screening programme.


It has been a privilege to be involved with Outreach for so many years.  I have been proud the way the Outreach has always put service users as its focus to enable users to be a part of the community.







Barbara Pearlman

Outreach Trustee



Hello, my name is Barbara Pearlman, I have four children and eight grandchildren.


I am a Trustee of Outreach, having previously been on the Management and Executive for a number of years.


I have undertaken voluntary work for many years, for NW Charitable organisations and Hospitals; and as a Citizen’s Advice Bureau advisor.  I was a Local Authority (LA) Social Worker, Children’s Services, latterly managing its Fostering Service. 


Since retirement, I have undertaken (voluntary) SW Consultancy and am on the Patient Representative Panel, Salford Royal Hospital, Dept. of Immunology.


Career highlights include taking a lead in professionalising a NW LA’s Fostering Service; and driving it forward to become one of the highest rated fostering services in UK; achieving Master’s Degree in my 40s!


Credentials include: 

  • MSc., CQSW;

  • ILM accredited Manager (L4);                                                

  • 30 years social work experience in both Hospital and LA Children’s Services;                  

  • Manager LA Fostering Service (15 yrs+);

  • Vice Chair/Social Work Advisor to LA Fostering Panel; 

  • LA Counter Signatory for DBS;                                                                            

  • Considerable experience of autism re youngest son, also advocating on behalf of other families.


Outreach was already known to me, as they were caring for a close family member long term.  They have since supported my son through his College years.  I feel proud of Outreach’s achievements over the years, privileged to be part of an incredible Charity and of the way in which they support, so ably, our vulnerable adults to lead as fulfilling a life as possible, within their own Community. I particularly enjoy undertaking House Inspections, spending time with service users and gaining their invaluable perspectives.  



Ivor Silver

Outreach Trustee and Hon sec



Currently retired after business career spanning many years, I am also one of the founder members of Outreach with over 40 years of involvement, and where I feel that I bring a broad common sense approach to the organisation


Outreach has always been close to my heart, and a place where I like to think I can still contribute to its ongoing health and wellbeing. The work that we do and the way that we do it, particularly in respect of our staff, who go above and beyond the norm, and which is inspiring. 



Barry Fine FCA

Outreach Trustee



Barry Fine FCA

I am a chartered accountant and have been involved as Treasurer of Outreach for over 15 years


My involvement with the charity has been very rewarding and I am pleased to play a small part in overseeing the finances and keeping them healthy


I am a partner in Alexander Bursk accountants based in Prestwich and have a wealth of experience in accounting and charitable matters.






John R. Knight

Management Trustee



Retired IT professional with experience of running Businesses in many different industries. My hobbies:  travelling, swimming (past), cycling, walking, scrabble, chess, neighbourhood matters, family.

Instrumental in saving several thousands of pounds in both IT infrastructure and energy costs. Also instigated and completed an all-encompassing IT review, providing added security and ease of operation. Suggested preparing a rolling 12 months’ financial forecast to be able to

give more visibility to the board of the expected future financial performance. 


  • Treasurer local residents’ Association

  • Police Coordinator for my local area

  • Vice Chair of Whitefield and Unsworth Home Watch Association

  • Associate of Energy Cost Saving Company

  • Associate of NXD (Non-Executive Directors Association)


Lifetime running IT projects, departments and companies. Director 8 countries for American Express Card Division.  Director and Shareholder of a rescued IT Outsourcing company. Implemented large IT projects across Europe.


Size of biggest International business run = £46 million (1981)
Size of biggest UK business run = £30 million pa
Value of Billings at largest data centre run = £900 million pa for Europe, Middle East & Africa.
Value of biggest International IT Project run = £24 million
Biggest International saving made = £12 million pa
Biggest UK saving made = £8 million

Member of Chartered Institute of Directors since 1996.


Approached by Outreach and I felt that although it was a new area for me, my lifetime skills and previous board level experience, in a completely different field, would add value for Outreach, whilst at the same time learning about a new and interesting area for myself. Win/win.

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Tracy Allweis

Outreach Trustee



Since qualifying as a solicitor in 1981, I have spent most of my career in the public sector dealing with criminal law and the regulation of alcohol and gambling.

The opportunity to move out of my comfort zone and to apply my strategic and management skills in a very different arena has offered me a welcome new challenge.


I became involved in Outreach in late 2022 and have been so impressed by the dedication of the organisation to always put first the people it supports.


For many years, I have held a range of voluntary roles. These include teaching in a museum, listening to children read, delivering safeguarding training to adult volunteers in a large local care charity and supporting the Young Oncology Unit at The Christie.

I have also served as Deputy Chair to various Advisory Committees appointed by the Lord Chancellor responsible for the selection and recruitment of Magistrates.


Sport has always been a huge part of my life. In particular, I play tennis several times a week and follow my football team home and away.



Outreach Trustee




Ein Cenhadaeth

Darparu gofal a chefnogaeth ragorol, sy'n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn, ar gyfer pobl ag anabledd dysgu a / neu angen iechyd meddwl.

Our Mission

Ein Gwerthoedd

Naws Hunan-werth



Cyfartal ond Gwahanol


Teg a Thryloyw

Ein Ethos

Y nod yw sicrhau bod defnyddwyr gwasanaeth yn cael eu grymuso i nodi a mynegi eu nodau personol yn llawn.

Rydym yn eu cefnogi i gyflawni hyn trwy ddatblygu cynlluniau unigolyn-ganolog.


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